After you invest in a quality paint job, it makes sense to maintain it. After all, that’s how you look after other valuable possessions, such as your car.
That’s where maintenance painters in Perth can come in handy. As a professional painting contractor, we restore existing paint jobs, making your property look good as new, whether you own commercial premises or simply want to update a strata building.
How Do Managed Paint Services Work?
As residential and commercial painters in Perth, our maintenance painting solutions offer everything you need to keep your interiors in excellent condition. Here’s our process.
- Get your quote: Just fill out the details of your proposed project online, and we’ll tell you how much the work will cost.
- Agree on a regular property inspection timetable: We carry out a thorough property inspection, looking at the current state of the paintwork and create a maintenance schedule around it.
- Qualified painters: All our Perth painters are fully-qualified and ready to work on your property. They are both experienced strata property painters and always maintain a tidy environment.
- Create a timeframe of your choosing: Before we begin any work, tell us your time frame and how when you want the job done. In some cases, we may be able to supply additional painters to get the job done faster.
- Careful paintwork and final inspection: We then inspect the paintwork to ensure that your paint job has been completed to the highest quality. Get excellent service from commercial and residential painters in Perth.
Why choose Delicate Painting for your maintenance painting provider?
- Fully insured and licensed contractor
- Dulux accredited
- Winner Master Painters Awards for Excellence 2019
- Decades of experience and warranty
- We provide accurate quotation upfront and treat your project like ours
Get your next painting project started today! Don’t hesitate and request a free quote or call us 1300 766 669.