Whether you’re considering a residential or commercial paint job, you’re going to want to select the best painters in Perth. After all, the appearance of your business or home decor can have significant standing on everything from your mood to the impression you make on guests.
The trouble is that it isn’t always easy to determine which painters you should use, and that can leave you either holding off or selecting the wrong company for the project. To make sure you get this right every time from now on, we’re going to consider the top six things your chosen painters should always do to guarantee a quality you can be proud of.
#1 – Offer credentials you recognise
Any decent painting company should offer credentials that you recognise to guarantee the best service possible. Locally, this will mean looking out for companies who are part of the Master Painters in Perth, or even checking out a gallery of completed projects that you can browse before the commencement of work. That way, you’ll know you’re turning to a trusted company who provide quality paint jobs to a range of impressed customers.
#2 – Visit ahead of time
High-quality painting contractors in Perth will look at a job and give you a quote in advance. This allows them to both scope the size of a project, and determine the best equipment to achieve a high-quality finish.
#3 – Prepare the area
All painters should prepare an area before they begin to avoid flecks of paint on your carpet or furniture. This is more relevant for house painters in Perth, but it applies for commercial jobs, too. A respectable painter will use canvas sheeting, or even clear a room before they get to work.
#4 – Repair problem walls
A proper paint job isn’t possible if walls have cracks or imperfections. Any painter aiming to do a good job will, therefore, cover cracks and issues, preferably with tinted primer, before tackling the painting task at hand.
#5 – Use quality equipment
A professional painter should always use quality equipment for any job they tackle. This includes high-quality paint and, perhaps most importantly, brushes, pads, and rollers that are guaranteed to provide the best possible finish.
#6 – Offer touch up services
Even once a paint job is finished, a respectable painting company will also offer touch up services as you need them. This ensures any last-minute improvements are guaranteed, as well as providing solutions to problems that arise during the drying process. This, alongside the other points mentioned, is vital for the proper paint job you deserve when you contact professional painters in Perth.